Sunday, 12 December 2021

Arnie the Doughnut

Arnie was just made. he was so excited he thought he had 1000 sprinkles on him, he only had 135. He was made really early in the morning and was just setted down on the doughnut tray, he thinked about all the amazing things that happened to him that morning. 1. cut into a ring 2. deep fried 3. cooled 4. iced 5. sprinkeled 6. named. Arnie looked around and saw many other doughnuts nearby, he tried to start a converstation with one but she was not intrested. Later that aftenoon custormer after customer left with a bag of doughnuts, Arnie never knew they were gone for good. Arnie was watching the other doughtnuts leave but just then a human pointed at Arnie and he was placed into a paper bag. When the human got home he removed Arnie from the paper bag placing him on a clean, shiney plate. The human slowly placed Arnie in his mouth but Arnie opened his eyes just in time to shout. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" says Arnie. The human drops Arnie on his plate terrified, "I was... gonna eat you." replied the human. "EAT ME, WHY WOULD YOU EAT ME!?" Says Arnie in shock "DO YOU EAT ALL YOUR HOUSEGUESTS!?" Adds Arnie. "No... not at all" Replies the human. "Then why would you eat me!?" Asks Arnie confuesed. "Well because your a doughnut..." "Thats what doughnuts are for, to eat." adds the human. "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU DID THIS BEFORE!?" Yells Arnie in disguest. "Uh... Yes, I eat a doughnut everyday." replied the human selfessly Arnie froze, he felt sick and frightened, and mad. Arnie had a plan but he knew he had to be very sneaky. He turned to the human and said in the deepest voice "Excuse me sir, I don't think I intourduced my self, I'm Arnie." "I'm... Mr Bing, It's nice to eat yo- I MEAN meet you." Replied Mr Bing. Arnie had convinced Mr Bing to give him his telephone and Arnie, as fast as he could called the bakery but his plan did not work. After a long time of talking Mr bing and Arnie became friends, you could say family. If you want you can watch the real story on Storyline Online.

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Fractions: Equality

Christmas is so soon only 16 more days! I hope you enjoyed your lockdown and will have an even more exciting holiday. Anyways here is a picture of my score!

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Map Of My Home

I made a map of my house if you'd like to see it please scroll down.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

My Chirstmas Card

Today I made a chirstmas card for learning, here is a picture of it.

Monday, 6 December 2021

Christmas Arts

Merry Chirstmas everyone,I hope you all had a wonderful lockdown and are saft inside your home.


Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Basic facts

Level by level I finished addition subtraction and multplacation.


A day in the life of a Nurse

I went inside a Nurses shoes today to see how its really like to be a nurse.

Best Mates

This is are story about two best mates but one is moving away.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Why am I excited to go back to school?

Im excited because... When I go to school I can play with my family members and friends. If I go back to school I can learn more with my class mates. School is another way for others to learn and from learning you will grow up and live a happy life. And thats all I hope others read this and become happy with your school too!

Monday, 18 October 2021

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Animals are Inportant

If i was a pencil!

Monday, 6 September 2021

An Elephant as a pet.


Shapes of Togan



One day Shyla and here family was injoying some burgers for dinner. Until they found out the restaurant Shylas mum worked at had an emergency si they could not finish they're food. While they were gone a poor girl robbed they're house and stole everything even They're burgers.


Friday, 27 August 2021

Positive Attitude

Hello every one I hope you hade a great day and remember positive thoughts.


Shapes around my house

Today I went around my house and found new different shapes. I hope you are safe.


Thursday, 12 August 2021

Sentence Structure

Satellite game

Today morning my class and me played Satellite in the hall. We had to go in pairs my partner was Akesa. We were plaing to learn more about team-work. First we found our partner. Next we had to grab a ballon. Then 1 of us threw the ballon in the air. Finally you had to hold hands with your partner and try not to let the ball drop without letting go of partners hands. Not to long after that me and Akesa went in a even more bigger team with 2 more pairs Eve,oi'oi,Aliana and kai soi.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Write me a story/The big disaster.

This is my secound story the moral of the story is to be more careful of what you do.


Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Sentence Structure

This was an super fun slide show, kinda long though like 7 pages?


Friday, 7 May 2021

PV 6 digit


hi todays Fun Friday. Like every friday if we finish all our work we get to play outside at the afternoon!

Picture Description


hi this is my writing from yesterday i finally finished and can show yoou my amazing work!

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

My facts


these are facts I made about Queenstown at home. have an great holiday bye!

The best holiday ever.

It was the first day of the holidays. The sun was shinning,the birds were awake and the wind was as soft as a feather. Two little girls just woke up at 9am. one was named Ella and the other Elizabeh, Elizabeth was only 4 years old and Ella is 5. Their parents were already awake waiting for them on the couch. The girls ran out of their bedroom screaming in excitement "it's the holidays!" Their parents kindly asked Ella and Elizabeth to settle down,"Its only gonna be two weeks why are you guys so excited?" asked their dad. The girls stopped jumping to answer the questin "we're just so happy to get are break from school." After breakfast Elizabeth and Ella ran outside to play tag. One hour later Mum and dad baked homemade brownies and made some hot choclate. When the girls went to sleep that night they knew it was going to be the best holiday ever.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Measuring Time


the past weeks we have been learning about time once we even played an clock game!


hello this is my new sentence structure, at school we use our work to get better at writing. The Sentence Structure will be at the bottom of this writing if you want to check it out.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021


 Hi it's Tuesday today and I made an story after watching an clip from finding Dory.

slowly Dory walked up to Nemo so he didn't hear her.

"hey Mr Grumpy Gills."said Dory

"When life gets you down what you gotta do?" asked Dory

"I don't want to know what you gotta do." replied Nemo 

"Just keep singing just keep singing just keep.." sang Dory while pulling Nemo below the water

"NO SINGING DORY!" repeated Nemo while they swam

"I love to swim when you want to swim." continued Dory 

"See i'm gonna get stuck now with that song now it's in my head." Nemo said with maddness

"Sorry." said Dory

Monday, 8 March 2021

If I could choose the school lunch for a week

Monday: cheese pizza and a Juice box.

Tuesday: a  brownie and a Strawberry milkshake.

Wednesday: Mi goreng noodles with no spice and a water.

Thursday: peanut M&Ms and a cup of hot chocolate.

Friday: cheese burger with no pickles and an chocolate chip cookie.

Finish the sentence

When I discovered there was treasure buried in the backyard I felt so confused who could have left it there? i came back the next day and was still on the ground so I had to pick it up. I slowly opened it and all I found was an letter and a teddy bear! the letter said only the one brave enough can take care of this teddy. so I put the teddy bear in the washing machine for a wash! 

School swapping with a friend story

Dear natile or Brianna 

Im so excited to see you again and to come back to our old school. Remember to watch out for COVID 19 when you get here! aloso only juniors are allowed on the little park and seniors on the big park.