Friday, 27 August 2021

Positive Attitude

Hello every one I hope you hade a great day and remember positive thoughts.


Shapes around my house

Today I went around my house and found new different shapes. I hope you are safe.


Thursday, 12 August 2021

Sentence Structure

Satellite game

Today morning my class and me played Satellite in the hall. We had to go in pairs my partner was Akesa. We were plaing to learn more about team-work. First we found our partner. Next we had to grab a ballon. Then 1 of us threw the ballon in the air. Finally you had to hold hands with your partner and try not to let the ball drop without letting go of partners hands. Not to long after that me and Akesa went in a even more bigger team with 2 more pairs Eve,oi'oi,Aliana and kai soi.