Wednesday 15 April 2020

growing pumpkins

I learned that compost is a rotten food scraps with leaves and gardeners like to dig compost in to the soil because it is made out of good things that help plants to grow. You also have to water the plants often because if u do the plants might grow faster. All through spring and summer the pumpkins will grow bigger and when bee's crawl inside the pumpkin flower they will get covered with pollen. They carry this pollen into other pumpkin flowers. This needs to happen before pumpkins will grow.


  1. Hi Shyla,
    It is so lovely to see you jumping into learning in term 2. Compost is so important to feed our plants and help them grow. Do you think you would be able to make compost?
    I can see you have explained pollination. This is so important if we want our plants to grow. What do you think would happen if the bees died?
    Thank you for your awesome learning.
    From Mrs Carruthers.

  2. It is awesome to see you did your reading today and learnt what compost is and why it is important.

    I am really proud of you for working so hard Shyla.

    Look forward to seeing you at our hangout tomorrow.

    Keep up the amazing work!


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